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Govt Orders
G.O. (RT)216/2024/F&WLD-കൊല്ലം സോഷ്യല് ഫോറസ്ട്രി അസിസ്റ്റന്റ് ഫോറസ്റ്റ് കണ്സര്വേറ്ററുടെ ഓഫീസിലെ ജുനിയര് സൂപ്രണ്ട് ശ്രീ.സുരേഷ് കുമാര് - ന്റെ ഭാര്യയുടെ ചികിത്സയ്ക്കായി അനുവദിച്ച പലിശരഹിത വായ്പ ക്രമീകരിച്ചും ബാക്കി തുക പ്രതിപൂരണം ചെയ്തും നല്ലന്നതിന് അനുമതി നല്കിയുള്ള ഉത്തരവ്
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 293/F&WLDCO-OP-F&WLD - Wildlife Week celebrations, from 2nd Oct to 8th Oct - Exemption from payment of entry fee for general public & winners of Wildlife week celebrations to visit National Parks, Tiger Reserves & Wildlife Sanctuaries in the State-G.O.(Rt) No. 293-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(MS) NO. 14/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest and Wildlife Department - Kerala Forest Development Corporation Re-designating the post 'Driver' to 'Driver cum Office Attendant (Medium - Heavy Passenger - Goods Vehicle)'- Service Rules - Amended - Orders issued. - G.O.(Ms) No. 14-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 168/F&WLDCO-OP-F&WLD - Diversion of ha of forest land in Nenmara Forest Division for the installation of DMR Tier III wireless communication Tower Project for Police in Vadakkanchery Section of Alathur Range in Nenmara Forest Division - G.O.(Rt) No. 168-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 155/F&WLDCO-OP-Revision Petition under Rule twenty of the Kerala Forest (Regulation of Sawmills & other Wood-based Industrial Units) Rules filed by Sri. K.S. Jaffer Siddique, Proprietor M-s Souda Wood Industries. Ednad P.O, Seethangoli, Kasaragod - G.O.(Rt) No.155-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 136/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of ha of forest land which is part of notified Kodassery Reserve Forest under Section Two of Forest (Conservation) Act, for the purpose of providing drinking water facilities in Kodassery, Pariyaram & Athirappilly - G.O.(Rt) No. 136-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 93/F&WLDCO-OP-Kerala Forest Development Corporation Ltd. - Smt. Prakriti Srivastava IFS (KL), Principal Chief Conservator of Forests-Ratification of the action in having joined duty as MD on and Appointment as one of the Directors on the Board - G.O.(Rt) No. 93-F&WLD.
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 69/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Forest (Conservation) Act, - Diversion of ha of forest land for the construction of weir - in the upstream of vertical rock of the location and bring water through pen stock to the MW Power House - G.O.(Rt) No. 69-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 56/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Establishment - Expost facto sanction to Smt. Padma Mahanthi, IFS Chief Conservator of Forests to attend the Fifth meeting of National Executive Council of National Mission for Green India - G.O.(Rt) No. 56-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 42/F&WLDCO-OP-The Revision Petition filed by Smt. Lissy John, Aranjaryil House, Vattekad, Kollengode.P.O, Palakkad before the Revisional Authority - Secretary, F&WLD for obtaining NOC for sawmill named Anjali Sawmill at Vattekkad - Rejected - G.O.(Rt) No. 42-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 37/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Proposal for diversion of ha of forest land under Section Two of Forest (Conservation) Act, for electrification in Malody forest area in Malappuram District under total electrification scheme - G.O.(Rt) No. 37-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 34/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Proposal for diversion of ha of forest land under Section Two of Forest (Conservation) Act, for electrification in Peruvampadam forest area in Malappuram District under total electrification scheme - G.O.(Rt) No. 34-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 20/F&WLDCO-OP-F&WLD - Diversion of ha of forest land which falls within the Malayattoor Forest Reserve under Section two of Forest Act, for providing drinking water facilities at Inchathotty, Kuttampuzha Panchayath - stage I approval - G.O.(Rt) No. 20-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 479/F&WLDCO-OP-Ex post facto sanction accorded for the journey of Sri. Devendra Kumar Verma IFS, PCCF for having attended the meeting of the Screening Committee of Centrally Sponsored Forest Fire Prevention & Management Scheme in New Delhi - G.O.(Rt) No. 479-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 458/F&WLDCO-OP-F&WLD - Diversion of ha of forest land which is part of notified Kodassery Reserve Forest under section Two of Forest Act, for the purpose of providing drinking water facilities in Kodassery, Pariyaram & Athirappilly Panchayath - G.O.(Rt) No. 458-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 438/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management & Planning Authority - Selection Committee for creating a panel of non-official members of State CAMPA - Nomination of Principal Secretary to Govt. - G.O.(Rt) No. 438-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 343/F&WLDCO-OP-Establishment forty-one-st Post Graduate Diploma Course in Advanced Wildlife Management conducted by the Wildlife Institute of India - Sanction to Sri. Manu Sathyan, Assistant Conservator of Forests to join the course - G.O.(Rt) No. 343-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(MS) NO. 22/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Enhancement of appearance fee of Special Government Pleaders appointed to conduct forest cases before the Forest Tribunal & Tribunal for Ecologically Fragile Land cases - orders issued. - G.O.(Ms) No. 22-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 247/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Ex-post Facto sanction accorded for the investigation teams Travel to the Chittoor area of Andhra Pradesh for the investigation of sandal cases, of Nachivayal Forest station - Sanctioned - G.O.(Rt) No. 247-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(MS) NO.17/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Ten-th Pay Revision sanctioned to the staffs of Kerala Forest Development Corporation (KFDC) - Extending the benefit of the Pay Revision to the post of Company Secretary and Casual Sweepers - G.O.(Ms) No.17-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(MS) NO. 11/F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Removal of Sand accumulated at Pampa - Triveni during the recent flood - E-auction sale of sand to bulk customers & own use customers adopting Central PWD's DSR rate - Sanction accorded - G.O.(Ms) No. 11-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.152-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest and Wildlife Department - disciplinary action -petition submitted by Sri.Romy Mathew-orders issued G.O(Rt)No.152-F&WForest and Wildlife Department - disciplinary action -petition submitted by Sri.Romy Mathew-orders issued G.O(Rt)No.152-F&WLDLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 149/F&WLDCO-OP-The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act - Constitution of State Authority to be called Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management & Planning Authority - Governing Body, Steering Committee, Executive Committee & Selection Committee - G.O.(Rt) No. 149-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(MS) NO. 10/F&WLDCO-OP-F&WLD - SLP (C) No. filed the State before the Hon'ble Supreme Court against the judgement dated of High Court in State of Kerala Vs. Cochin Plantation Ltd - Ratification of the engagement of Sri. Jaideep Gupta, Senior Advocate - G.O.(Ms) No. 10-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 29/F&WLDCO-OP-F&WD - Translocation of forest enclosures - acquisition of private lands - habitations inside - contiguous to forests & prone to human-animal conflict from willing owners & using it as land for Compensatory Afforestation - G.O.(Rt) No. 29-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 507/F&WLDCO-OP-Implementation of the Scheme of Compensatory Afforestation in lieu of tree felling for Six-laning of Vengalam Junction - Ramanattukara junction Section of NH-sixty-six, ie, Erstwhile NH-seventeen & a part of NH-forty-seven - G.O.(Rt) No. 507-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 465/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of ha of forest land in Kothamangalam Forest Division of Idukki District under Section Two of Forest Act, for Kulamavu Police Station in favour of the Superintendent of Police, Idukki - Stage II - Sanction accorded - G.O.(Rt) No. 465-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 419-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department - Forest (Conservation) Act, - Diversion of forest land to Smt. Annamma Kurian, Wife of (La) Joseph Kurian to erect a Pump house and construction of Irrigation canal - Sanction accorded - Orders issued. G.O.(Rt) No. 419-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 395/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of ha of land for laying of dia cross - country LPG pipeline from Kochi refinery to Palakkad connecting Udayamperoor to IOC Plant in favour of Kochi Salem Pipeline Pvt. Ltd. - Sanction accorded - Orders issued. - G.O.(Rt) No. 395-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 353-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest and Wild Life Department –In Kanjangadu Maruthom, Parappa Plinkallu Forest Encroachment and Tree Cutting Of Private Parties – Shri. K K P Abdul Nasar (Rtd), Forest Range Officer–Disciplinary Action Declared -Orders Issued. G.O.(Rt) No. 353-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 317/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of ha of forest land under section two of Forest Act, for electrification of Kaithapara area of Thodupuzha Range of Kothamangalam Division under total electrification scheme - Sanction accorded - Orders issued. - G.O.(Rt) No. 317-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 311/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of ha of forest land under section two of Forest Act, for electrification of Manayathadam area in Thodupuzha Range of Kothamangalam Division under total electrification scheme - Sanction accorded - Orders issued. - G.O.(Rt) No. 311-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 312/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of ha of forest land under section two of Forest Act, for stringing aerial bunched cable for interlinking Pazhayanoor & Elanad feeder through forest area at Naduppamkund in Machad Range of Thrissur Forest Division - G.O.(Rt) No. 312-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 305/F&WLDCO-OP-ha of forest land under section two of Forest Act, for electrification of Thazhethotti area of Karimannoor Grama Panchayath, Kothamangalam Forest Division, Idukki District under total electrification scheme - Sanction accorded - G.O.(Rt) No. 305-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 294/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of of forest land under section two of Forest (Conservation) Act, for widening and improvement of hari pin curves of Ghat section of NH in Kozhikode District in favour of Executive Engineer, PWD, NH Division, Calicut - G.O.(Rt) No. 294-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 285/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of of forest land under section two of Forest (Conservation) Act, for electrification of Channamala SC Colony in Kulathupuzha Range, Thiruvananthapuram Division under total electrification scheme - Sanction accorded - G.O.(Rt) No. 285-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 104/F&WLDCO-OP-State Level Monitoring Committee decision - Survey & Demarcation of Forest land leased out to Govt. Department - Public Sector Undertakings - Agencies - Authorizing Forest Officials to assist the survey works - orders issued - G.O.(Rt) No. 104-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 104/F&WLDCO-OP-State Level Monitoring Committee decision - Survey & Demarcation of Forest land leased out to Govt. Department - Public Sector Undertakings - Agencies - Authorizing Forest Officials to assist the survey works - orders issued - G.O.(Rt) No. 104-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 97/F&WLDCO-OP-F&WLD - Irregularities in the collection of Timber for Tribal House construction - Disciplinary Action against Ibrahim Kutty (deceased) - Orders dated of Hon Kerala Administrative Tribunal - complied with - Orders issued - G.O.(Rt) No. 97-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 97/F&WLDCO-OP-F&WLD - Irregularities in the collection of Timber for Tribal House construction - Disciplinary Action against Ibrahim Kutty (deceased) - Orders dated of Hon Kerala Administrative Tribunal - complied with - Orders issued - G.O.(Rt) No. 97-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO.66/F&WLDCO-OP-Vigilance Enquiry in connection with the allegation of irregularities found in the missing of seized timber of various OR cases in five sections of Kumili Ranges - Disciplinary Action against N.A.Sathyanandan, (Rtd) Section Forest - G.O.(Rt) No.66-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO.66/F&WLDCO-OP-Vigilance Enquiry in connection with the allegation of irregularities found in the missing of seized timber of various OR cases in five sections of Kumili Ranges - Disciplinary Action against N.A.Sathyanandan, (Rtd) Section Forest - G.O.(Rt) No.66-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 15/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of ha of forest land under section two Forest (Conservation) Act, for widening of two lane National Highway into six lane National Highway from Vadakkenchery to Mannuthy under NHDP on behalf of NHAI Palakkad - G.O.(Rt) No. 15-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT) NO. 15/F&WLDCO-OP-Diversion of ha of forest land under section two Forest (Conservation) Act, for widening of two lane National Highway into six lane National Highway from Vadakkenchery to Mannuthy under NHDP on behalf of NHAI Palakkad - G.O.(Rt) No. 15-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.OS IN THE STEERING COMMITTEE &EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE- SANCTIONED ACCORDED- ORDERS ISSUEDCO-OP-Forest and Wildlife Department- Construction of state CAMPA- Nomination of NGOs in the Steering Committee &Executive Committee- sanctioned accorded- orders issued G.O(Rt)No.429-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.OS IN THE STEERING COMMITTEE &EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE- SANCTIONED ACCORDED- ORDERS ISSUEDCO-OP-Forest and Wildlife Department- Construction of state CAMPA- Nomination of NGOs in the Steering Committee &Executive Committee- sanctioned accorded- orders issued G.O(Rt)No.429-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.399-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wild Life (C) Department- Diversion of forest land for laying UG cable for eleven KV line from Neelipavu to Thannithode in Vadasserikada Range of Ranni Forest Division under Forest ( Conservation) Act- Sanction accorded-GO(Rt)No.399-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.398-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wild Life (C) Department- Diversion of forest land for providing service connection in favour of Sri.Balakrishanan, Kunnath House, Kumbalakkode area under Machad Range of Thrissur- Division under Forest ( Conservation) Act, -GO(Rt)No.396-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(MS)NO.45-F&WLD THIRUVANANTHAPURAM,CO-OP-Forest and Wildlife Department- KIIFB- Project- Establishment of Zoological park at Puthur in Thrissur district Phase I- Sanction for expenditure and designating Thrissur FDA as SPV- Accorded-Orders issued. GO(Ms)No.45-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.691-F&PDCO-OP-Fisheries & Ports Department- Harbour Engineering Department -Proposal for the installation of Solar Panel at New Office Complex at Puthiyanirathu of the Harbour Engineering Department- Administrative Sanction accorded-Orders issued.GO(Rt)No.691-F&PD
Govt Orders
G.O(MS)NO.40-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department- Renaming River Forest Protection Fund (RFPF) as Eco System Management Fund (EMF) and Revised Guidelines for collection, accounting and utilization of the Eco System Management Fund- Orders issued.GO(Ms)no.40-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.313-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department- Srishti Scholarship Scheme- Scholarship for Scheduled Tribal Girls to support their Higher Studies- Administrative Sanction accorded-Orders issued.GO(Rt)NO.313-2017-F&WLD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram,17.08.2017.
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.299-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wild Life (C) Department- Diversion of 0.452 ha of forest land for the renovation of existing water supply schemes under Jalanidhi Project in Marayoor in favour of Marayoor Grama Panchayath- Permission Granted-Orders issued- Reg.GO(Rt)NO.299-2017
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.282-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wild Life Department- deputation of Sri.Sunil.T.R, under Secretary, Forest & Wild Life Department to the office of the Advocate General, Ernakulam- Sanctioned-Orders issued.GO(Rt)No.282-2017-F&WLD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram,31.07.2017.
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.272-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department- Vigilance Surprise Check Report- Allegation against the officials of Forest Office, Vandanmedu, Disciplinary action against Shri.Vinoy Sebastain, Beat Forest Officer- Finalized-Orders issued. GO(Rt)NO.272-2017-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.200-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wild Life (C) Department- Forest (Conservation) Act 1980- Diversion of 0.008 ha of forest land for providing service connection in favour of Sri.Raveendran Kani,. Elavupalam, Thannimoodu, Ex-colony under Kulathupuzha, GO(Rt)NO.200-2017-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(MS)NO.26-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department- Implementation of Contract System instead of Convenor System in Forest Department for the execution of forestry works - Sanction accorded-Orders issued.GO(Ms)No.26-2017-F&WLD Dated, Thiruvananthapuram,20.05.2017.
Govt Orders
G.O(MS)NO.25-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest and Wildlife Department- Establishment- Sri Subhash.K.B- Assistant Conservator of Forests under Special recruitment for SC-ST- Completion of 2 year diploma course- admitted for duty- posting order as Probationary Assistant GO(Ms)No.25-2017-F&WLD
Govt Orders
["forest and wildlife department- estta- sri. t. r. ramesh- permanency- sanctioned- orders issued. go(ms)no.27-2017-f&wld \tdated,thiruvananthapuram,10\/05\/2017"]-Forest and Wildlife Department- estta- Sri. T. R. Ramesh- permanency- sanctioned- orders issued. Go(Ms)No.27-2017-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.72-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife (C) Department- Forest ( Conservation) Act 1980- Diversion of 0.054 ha forestland for electrification of Kizhimattom area of Udambannur Grama Panchayath in Kothamangalam Division- Sanctioned-Orders issued.GO(Rt)No.72-2017-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(MS)NO.2-2017-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wild Life Department- Forest raw materials like Bamboo, Reed, Eucalyptus and Acasia to Hindustan New Print Ltd (HNL) @ Rs.1000-IMT for the year 2016-2017 as provided in the year 2015-16- Sanctioned-Orders issued.GO(Ms)No.2-2017-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO,419/2016/FORESTCO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department- Petition submitted by Smt.Jyothi Mini.K.R, wife of Shri.Rajendran Pillai, Range Forest Officer, against his physical and metal harassment demanding more dowry- Disciplinary action finalized- Removed from service-GO(Rt)No.419
Govt Orders
G.O(MS)NO.35/2016/F&WLD THIRUVANANTHAPURAM,CO-OP-Forest and Wildlife Department- KIIFB- Fencing along Forest Boundary under the Special Investment Plan - Phase I- Administrative Sanction accorded for an amount of Rs.2.50 crore (Rupees Twenty Five Crore Only)-Orders issued,GO(Ms)No.35-16
Govt Orders
["forest and wildlife department- sri.a.kanthaswami arunachalam - o.a.no.2330-14\u00a0 dated,13-12-2014-judgement finalized-orders issued."]-Forest and Wildlife Department- Sri.A.Kanthaswami Arunachalam - O.A.No.2330-14 dated,13-12-2014-judgement finalized-Orders issued.G.O.(Rt)No.177-2015-F&WLD (Malayalam)
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.35-2017-F&WLD DATD, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM,01.02.2017.CO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department- Release of drawal application for the reimbursement of amount spent for the works under RIDF- XX in the Forest Department- Sanction accorded-Orders issued.GO(Rt)No.35-2017-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.40-2017-F&WLD DATD, THIRUVNANTHAPURAM,01.02.2017.CO-OP-Forest & Wildlife Department- Release of drawal application for the reimbursement of amount spent for the works under RIDF- XX in the Forest Department- Sanction accorded-Orders issued.GO(Rt)No.40-2017-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.20999-FM3-84AD(MALAYALAM)CO-OP-S.R.O. No. 201-85 In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (c) of section 2 of the Kerala Forest Act, 1961 (4 of 1962), the Government of Kerala hereby appoint the Wildlife Assistants to be Forest Officers to discharge the functions of a Forest Off
Govt Orders
["forest & wildlife department- condemnation of department road roller j-8348 (jessop model no.810 diesel) attached to south wayanad division- sanction accorded-orders issued."]-Forest & Wildlife Department- Condemnation of Department Road Roller J-8348 (Jessop Model No.810 Diesel) attached to South Wayanad Division- Sanction accorded-Orders issued.G.O.(Rt)No.448-2015-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O(RT)NO.20999-FM3-84AD(MALAYALAM)CO-OP-S.R.O. No. 201-85 In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (c) of section 2 of the Kerala Forest Act, 1961 (4 of 1962), the Government of Kerala hereby appoint the Wildlife Assistants to be Forest Officers to discharge the functions of a Forest Officer under the said Act. GO(Rt)No.20999-FM3-84AD(Malayalam)
Govt Orders
["forest and wildlife department- chinnar wildlife dept-vehicle no.k.l.08-z-5892-handover to forest development agency,aanamudi- sanctioned-orders issued."]-Forest and Wildlife Department- Chinnar wildlife dept-Vehicle No.K.L.08-Z-5892-handover to forest development agency,Aanamudi- sanctioned-Orders issued.G.O.(Rt)No.108-2015-F&WLD
Govt Orders
-Forest & Wild life Department-NABARD RIDF-XVII-Project Proposal for Mitigation of Man-animal Conflict by erecting Solar Powered fencing-execution of the remaining work through the Department with the help of Forest Development Agencies-Mobilization of 20 percentage of Project cost as advance amount for implementation of the work to the Department-Sanction accorded-Orders issued.G.O.(Rt)No.15-2015-F&WLD
Govt Orders
G.O.(RT)NO. 101-2014-F&WLDCO-OP-Forest & Wild Life Department-Fixing Compensation rates for various crops (individually) lost due to attack by wild animals-Orders issued in compliance of assurance given in G.O.(Rt)No. 101-2014-F&WLD dated,03.03.2014 and direction of the Hon.Human Rights Commission in HRMP No.5671-2014 dated 02-07-2014 and 04.09.2014.G.O.(Ms)No.02-2015-F&WLD
Govt Orders