Kerala Forest Department

Various Wings

Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, Kerala

The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force Kerala oversees general administration & co-ordination of all wings of the Kerala Forest Department,  handles all establishment matters relating to members of IFS, oversees the functions of all wings, handles all Policy matters. The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force Kerala shall also have powers to assign any other function to any of the Chief Conservators of Forests as and when it becomes necessary.

 Forest Management wing

The Forest Management wing’s diverse responsibilities encompass a vast spectrum of forest protection and management activities. This wing mainly deals with protection of forest wealth. The wing continuously monitors and ensures that prompt action is taken by field offices in the event of illegal activities such as encroachment, logging, poaching etc., thereby safeguarding the forests of Kerala. Beyond monitoring, the wing ensures that all the field formations act as enforcers. Read More

Wildlife Wing

The Wildlife wing, headed by the Chief Wildlife Warden, Kerala stands as the guardian of Kerala’s exceptional natural heritage, with its core function being the effective conservation of wildlife and biodiversity within the State. The Wildlife wing’s responsibilities are multifaceted. The wing ensures that the field functionaries work tirelessly to protect the various species within the State’s diverse ecosystems, ensuring their continued survival and well-being. This encompasses safeguarding their natural habitats, which are crucial for their existence and flourishing. Furthermore, the wing’s efforts extend to broader biodiversity conservation, encompassing the protection and preservation of the rich tapestry of plant, animal, and microbial life that forms the State’s unique natural heritage. Read More

Finance, Budget & Audit wing

The Finance, Budget & Audit wing is the strategic engine for the Kerala Forest Department (KFD), orchestrating its growth and financial management. This wing fulfils several key responsibilities. It is the Chief Controlling Office (CCO) of the Department and serves as the central point for preparing budget proposals under various schemes and projects of the Department.  It spearheads the department’s planning and budgeting processes. This includes crafting five-year plans, outlining future goals and strategies. The Finance, Budget & Audit wing scrutinizes and approves the Annual Plan of Operations of various wings/offices. Read More

Administration Wing

The Administration wing is responsible for general administration within the Forest Department. The wing is headed by Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Administration). The Administration wing oversees and manages all service matters, including recruitment, appointment, promotion, transfer and postings, disciplinary actions, pension, payment of travelling allowances, medical claims, and loans and advances for the staff/officers of the Kerala State Forest Service, Kerala State Forest Subordinate Service, Last Grade, and Part-Time Contingent Services. Service matters of special categories of personnel, such as Wildlife Assistants, Deputy Directors of Wildlife Education, and officers and staff on deputation to the Forest Department (except Indian Forest Officers on deputation to and from KFD), are also handled by the Administration wing.

Vigilance & Forest Intelligence wing

The Vigilance Wing was formed to tackle issues such as illegal removal of forest resources, misconduct by officials, and the evaluation of forest regeneration efforts. This wing’s primary goal is to ensure integrity within the department by preventing and investigating corruption and forest-related offences. The wing has two Inspection & Evaluation Circles and nine Flying Squad Divisions under it. It also has a specialized Forest Intelligence Cell under it. Read More

 Social Forestry wing

The activities as part of the Social Forestry started with the aim of taking the pressure off the forests by providing green cover on lands outside the forests. The wing has 3 Circles and 14 Social Forestry Divisions. Read More

Eco-Development & Tribal Welfare Wing

The Eco-Development & Tribal Welfare Wing plays a crucial role in the Kerala Forest Department by promoting Participatory Forest Management (PFM). The wing is headed by Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Ecodevelopment & Tribal Welfare). The PFM approach fosters collaboration between the department and local communities to protect forests, conserve biodiversity, and improve the livelihoods of those who depend on them. Read More

Ecologically Fragile Land (EFL) Wing

The Ecologically Fragile Land (EFL) Wing stands as a crucial guardian for the state’s most sensitive ecosystems. The wing is headed by the Custodian, Ecologically Fragile Land. Established by the Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Act of 2003, this wing plays a pivotal role in safeguarding these lands. They achieve this through a multi-pronged approach, which includes identifying lands as per provisions of the said Act and the relevant Rules, and ensuring their long-term protection. By safeguarding these fragile ecosystems, the EFL Wing significantly contributes to maintaining the State’s ecological balance and conserving its rich biodiversity. These areas often harbor unique plant and animal life, and the EFL Wing’s efforts are crucial for their long-term survival.

Information Technology (IT) Wing

The IT Wing serves as the department’s information powerhouse. Established under the “strengthening sector management” component of the Kerala Forestry Project initially as the Forest Management Information System (FMIS) wing, plays a critical role in empowering KFD personnel with the skills and knowledge to effectively use and manage information technology. This facilitates smooth communication within the department by streamlining information exchange between various units. Additionally, the IT wing actively promotes the integration of information technology, particularly focusing on Database Management Systems (DBMS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and internet connectivity. Their efforts also make key reference datasets, such as updated forest inventories, readily available to authorized KFD users. Read More

Human Resource Development (HRD) Wing

The Human Resource Development (HRD) Wing is responsible for delivering mandatory training programs to various categories of staff within the Kerala Forest Department (KFD). Established as an independent entity on October 4, 2004, through G.O(Rt) No. 411/2004/F&WLD, the HRD Wing plays a pivotal role in enhancing the skills and knowledge of forest personnel at all levels. Read More

Special Afforestation & Nodal Office Wing

This wing is entrusted with two important functions mainly. Monitoring the implementation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and dealing with applications for the issuance of the No Objection Certificate to wood based industrial units. One of the main functions of the Special Afforestation wing is to deal with the applications for diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes under the provisions of the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980. The processing of the applications for diversion of forest land submitted by the User Agencies through the Divisional Forest Officer/Wildlife Warden and Conservator of Forests / Chief Conservator of Forests is handled by this wing.

Working Plan & Research Wing

The Kerala Forest Department’s Working Plan & Research Wing serves as the strategic backbone for responsible forest management practices. Dedicated working plan divisions create 10-year Working plans for each Forest Division, outlining sustainable resource use and protection. These plans guide controlled harvesting, conservation efforts, and infrastructure development across all the 25 territorial divisions. Read More

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