Forest-PLUS 3.0, a collaboration between MoEFCC, Government of India, and USAID, focuses on sustainable, inclusive, and data-driven forest management. It builds on the success of previous programs and supports India’s climate mitigation goals by improving eco-restoration and strengthening institutional frameworks.
Key Highlights
- Van System: Supports data-driven forest management through data collection using the Van Mobile App for preparation of Working Plans.
- Eco-Restoration: Promotes tools for data collection and support native species and sustainable practices.
- NTFP-IMS: Enhances sustainable forest produce collection and economic benefits for communities.
Work in Kerala
The program aids Kerala’s eco-restoration policy through baseline studies, data tools, and initiatives to replace exotic species with native ones. Efforts include water conservation, river basin rejuvenation, and capacity building.
Key Achievements
Van System and Working Plans: Supported preparation of Thiruvananthapuram Forest Division’s Working Plan using ecosystem-based tools aligned with the National Working Plan Code.
Landscape Management Planning: Developed a plan for Vamanapuram River Basin, converting waste sites to micro-forests and leveraging funds for afforestation and water conservation projects.
NTFP-IMS: Introduced digital tools for sustainable harvesting and sales of forest produce, benefiting Vanasree initiatives and local communities.
Timber Traceability Tool (TIGRAM): An online Software solution to process applications received for tree cutting permission based on existing rules and guidelines.
Decision Support System (DSS): Introducing systems to streamline and support decision making in eco-restoration and sustainable land-use management activities contributing to carbon neutrality goals.
NTFP Value Chain and Vanasree : Assist strengthening tribal livelihoods through sustainable harvesting, value addition, and market access. The initiative supported eco-tourism models and the “Food from the Forest” concept, promoting traditional cuisines.
NTFP Enterprises : Developed a 7-step sustainable NTFP management model, scaling operations across Kerala which will benefit 600+ forest committees.
Gender equality in Forestry Training : Launched an e-learning course on gender in forestry, emphasizing inclusivity and responsiveness, with positive feedback from field staff.
Oru Katha Campaign : Used shadow puppetry to raise awareness about conserving sacred groves and water resources.
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The Forest-PLUS 3.0 program, a collaborative initiative between the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is focused on providing technical assistance to strengthen the sustainable, inclusive, and data-driven management of forest landscapes in India. The program will support India’s forest-based climate mitigation commitments by (i) improving the sustainable management and eco-restoration of forest landscapes through technological innovations and (ii) strengthening the institutional and enabling environment for inclusive and resilient forest ecosystems. Forest-PLUS 3.0 builds on the success of USAID’s predecessor programs, the Partnership for Land Use Science (Forest-PLUS), implemented from 2012 to 2017, and Forest-PLUS 2.0 implemented from 2018 – 2023. Forest-PLUS 3.0 continues the close collaboration and cooperation among forest departments across India, academic and research institutions, private sector, and forest-dependent communities.
Forest-PLUS 3.0 will expand the application of technological innovations developed under the Forest-PLUS 2.0 program by:
- Scaling up data-driven forest management using the Van system
- Support land managers to make informed decisions on eco-restoration and agroforestry practices
- Strengthen economic benefits from forests that accrue to communities through use of the NTFP-Information Management System
In Kerala, the project has supported the State Forest Department with Ecosystem services baseline studies, valuation reports, and the development of data collection, management, and analysis tools to facilitate the implementation of the state’s eco-restoration policy. Depleted forests or degraded areas are being repopulated and specific forest areas have been delineated for the replacement of exotic tree species with native species that benefit the ecosystem. As part of a strategy to protect river systems and watershed areas and to improve the hydrological functions of forests, synchronized water conservation and eco-restoration plantation efforts are being pursued. Forest-PLUS 3.0 will further build capacities developed during the predecessor program, Forest-PLUS 2.0 and continue system strengthening to guide forest policies and implementation.
Key achievements of the program include:
Van system and Working Plans: The program supported the preparation of Thiruvananthapuram Forest Division’s Working Plan (forest management plan), which was prepared using Van system, a tool developed under Forest-PLUS 2.0 that helps in forest inventory and ecosystem-based data collection and analysis. The plan, approved by MoEFCC adopts an ecosystem approach to forest management (EAFM) and is compliant with the National Working Plan Code 2014. The approach is adopted for all the Working Plans prepared in the state.
Landscape Management Planning: The program prepared an ecosystem-based landscape management plan (LMP) in Vamanapuram River Basin (VRB) to compliment the Working Plan prepared for the recorded forest area in Thiruvananthapuram. It covers public and private lands, to implement a pilot initiative to convert a waste dumping site to a micro-forest. In 2023, resources were leveraged from Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) for raising 10,000 plants in 2023. This initiative attracted the interest of NABARD, the apex bank for agriculture and rural development in India, which has extended financial support for scaling up micro-forests in the VRB under the LMP. NABARD is considering promoting the micro-forest concept in urban areas as a strategy for mitigating the impacts of climate change. Additionally, the program supported pond renovation work to recharge groundwater and rejuvenate domestic wells and improve the livelihoods of 280 households across 100 ha of land and supported stream bank stabilization on another 240 ha. Building on these pilots and based on the LMP work, the government of Kerala is developing a project to rejuvenate the Vamanapuram River flowing through Thiruvananthapuram District that will cover an area of 640 km2 across 29 Gram Panchayats and two municipalities. INR 20 million have been sanctioned from the state budget for this project.
NTFP-IMS (Non-Timber Forest Produce Information Management System): In consultation with the Kerala Forest Department, the program developed NTFP-IMS- a technology tool that shares knowledge on sustainable harvesting practices for several NTFPs; facilitates data-driven sales & operations planning; and promotes regular record keeping of inventory/ sales/ producers. It also simplifies the process of procuring, managing, and selling NTFPs for Vanasree, an initiative of Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department under Participatory Forest Management (PFM) involving Joint Forest Management Committees (VSS/EDCs) and help build strong interface between the buyers and sellers through an online marketplace.
Timber Traceability tool: TIGRAM (Timber Georeferenced Area Management), a traceability tool was developed in consultation with the Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department to monitor and manage the timber harvested from the private land (compliant with the provisions of the Kerala Promotion of Tree Growth in Non-Forest Areas Act of 2005). TIGRAM is a web portal and a mobile app that helps the timber buyers to verify the source of the timber and its legality and helps the tree growers with a simplified online process for application, verification, and issuance of permits by the Forest Department for tree felling and transportation.
TIGRAM enhances transparency in the timber supply chain by utilizing QR codes, allowing the Forest Department, timber owners, sawmills, and buyers to trace and track timber movement. Hosted in the State Data Centre since February 2023, the tool’s transfer to the State Data Centre is a significant step towards its wider implementation and positive impact on timber trade management in Kerala.
Decision Support System (DSS) Eco-restoration: To complement the data collection and work planning capabilities of the Van System, the Decision Support System (DSS) is a web-based tool designed to streamline eco-restoration, afforestation, reforestation, and sustainable land use management efforts. Launched by the Chief Minister of Kerala, Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan, and Forest Minister Mr. A. K. Saseendran in May 2022, DSS is a critical component of Kerala’s ambitious initiative to replace exotic tree species with native varieties, promoting healthier ecosystems and carbon storage. Covering approximately 27,000 hectares of forests across the state, the DSS aids decision-making processes which contributes significantly to India’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2070. The DSS was handed over to the Kerala State Data Centre in 2023.
NTFP Valuechain and Vanasree
Vanasree is a novel initiative by the Forest and Wildlife department of Kerala to improve the livelihoods of tribal communities by facilitating collection, processing, value addition and market access to the forest produce which has been traditionally collected from interiors of pristine evergreen forests. The program, along with local communities and institutions, and a technical partner, FRLHT is strengthening Vanasree through introduction of sustainable harvesting protocols, registration of the Vanasree trademark, new labels and packaging materials, standardized operations of Vanasree’s new model eco-shops, the introduction of an innovative digital system for NTFP information management, building the business capacities of VDVKs to develop new enterprises and value-added products, interfacing with the ayurvedic industry, the introduction of a new products, and a promotional film. This initiative and the Community Based Ecotoursim (CBET) value chain developed in this landscape are improving the livelihoods of over 20,000 households. The program is also supporting Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department to develop and operationalize community-based ecotourism models in Vithura, Ponmudi, Kallar, Makayam, and Kulathupuzha ecotourism sites. Food from the Forest is a joint initiative of the program and the Kerala Forests & Wildlife Department that promotes traditional cuisines and culinary traditions of the Kani community. To propagate the concept, Food from the Forest festivals were organized in ecotourism sites in Ponmudi, Periyar Tiger Reserve etc, which is a step towards making people aware of the nutritious, delicious food cooked by the Kani community.
NTFP enterprises: The program worked with the Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department to promote NTFP value chain and enterprises. It has helped the department in developing a 7-step approach to sustainable NTFP management, which was also incorporated in the forest working plan of Thiruvananthapuram Forest Division. The program assisted the department to develop NTFP-Information Management System, which was launched by the honourable Chief minister of Kerala, Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan. The NTFP-IMS ensures transparency in operations and management of NTFP harvesting, procurement, value addition and marketing. Kerala is scaling NTFP-IMS across the state, which will reach over 600 JFMCs and EDCs in the state and will contribute to sustainable NTFP management in the state.
Gender in Forestry training: The program developed an e-learning course on gender in forestry comprising of three modules: (1) gender as a social construct that changes over time, (2) why gender matters in forestry, and (3) tools for addressing gendered needs and increasing gender responsiveness in forestry institutions. The course was shared on a pilot basis with field staff in Kerala and received positive feedback from respondents, mostly female frontline staff.
Orru Katha Campaign: A campaign to help people realize the importance of natural forests, Orru Katha (One Story) was developed using the traditional art form of Tholpavakoothu (Shadow Puppetry). The campaign focused on the conservation of sacred groves and protection of valuable water resources through an ecosystem approach to forest management.
Forestry Museum in Kulathupuzha: Kerala Forests and Wildlife Department with partial support from the program, conceptualized the design for depicting the rich natural and cultural heritage of Kerala in the museum. The artistic architecture aims to educate people about nature, biodiversity, and culture of Kerala.